Tuesday, July 17, 2012

7/17: The Beauty of No Plans

After talking to another motorcycle person in the hotel lobby last night, he recommended we do 311.  We wish we could thank him!  It was a beautiful ride and if we had an itinerary, we would have missed it.  We were on the road by 8 to beat the heat.  No thunderstorms today but boy was it hot.  We went through Douthat Park which was nice too.  We wish we had more time to stop and sight see.

When we stopped for a water break, a guy came over to talk and suggested we stop at one of the oldest covered bridges in the country.   It was on our way so we did.  It just happens to be in Covington, VA so I had to find a sign and send it to our friend Jeff Covington.

We made it to Harrisonburg VA by 2:30 today.  Not sure where we are headed tomorrow.

Miles: 190.


  1. Was the bridge in Covington called...wait for it...the "coverington bridge" cause it's covered in covington? Derrrrrrrr. Still jealous of free rags.

  2. OMG. Someone please buy Ovrtym some friggin' rags!
